ҷءҧ纤ٺҹ͡ :
ؤҡ÷ҧ֡ йѡ¹ 觤Ѻ ѡ¹ ǡ֡ ͧشءС¹ Ф ŧҹԪҡ



鹾 'Ẻ֡ѡС¹' 85 ¡

Ẻ֡ѡС¹Ѿѧ ش Fun with Words ŧҹԹ ԧ
ҹԡ(ҹ 11,257 )
(13.62%-260 ǵ)
Ẻ֡ѡС¹ԧҧä ͧ ¹ӨҡҾ觷˹ ŧҹͧ ҷµ˭ԧԵԭ ǧ
ҹԡ(ҹ 15,247 )
(13.62%-260 ǵ)
Ẻ֡ѡ ¹ҡóѧ 鹻ж֡һշ 6 ŧҹٻҳյ Թѹ
ҹԡ(ҹ 12,074 )
(13.62%-260 ǵ)
Ẻ֡ѡС¹Ѿѧ ˹¡¹ 1 Enjoy with words 1 ͧ Clothes ŧҹپԪ ͧ
ҹԡ(ҹ 17,937 )
(13.62%-260 ǵ)
Ẻ֡ѡС¹Ѿѧ ش Words are all around me ŧҹ ѹѡ
ҹԡ(ҹ 10,979 )
(13.62%-260 ǵ)
Ẻ֡ѡС¹ҫ ŧҹѪҹ ´
ҹԡ(ҹ 8,829 )
(13.62%-260 ǵ)
Ẻ֡ѡС¹ѧ͡ С¹ҵҧ(ѧ) Ѻѡ¹.4 ش 2 Jobs ŧҹپѹ Ҥ
ҹԡ(ҹ 14,554 )
(13.62%-260 ǵ)
Ẻ֡ѡС¹ԧҧä С¹ ŧҹبԵ
ҹԡ(ҹ 10,108 )
(13.62%-260 ǵ)
Ẻ֡ѡС¹ѧ Ѻ¹ 鹻ж֡һշ 4 1 ͧ Parts of body ŧҹԹ ح
ҹԡ(ҹ 18,078 )
(13.62%-260 ǵ)
§ҹšẺ֡ѡС¹Ѿѧ ش Fun with words ŧҹ٨Թ ح
ҹԡ(ҹ 14,253 )
(13.62%-260 ǵ)




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