Tittle The Assessment for the Project of Education Management of the
Sufficiency Economy Philosophy into School at Tessaban 3 Banlao School
Researcher Mrs. Jurarat Rittipuntharux
Position : Deputy Director Level : Special Expertise
Tessaban 3 Banlao School, Department of Education, Udon Thani
Municipality, Udon Thani Province
Year of Study 2021
The purpose of this research were to: 1) assess the project of Education Management of theSufficiency Economy Philosophy intoSchool at Tessaban 3 Banlao School in the aspect of environment. 2) assess the project of Education Management of the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy into School at Tessaban 3 Banlao School in the aspect of preliminary factors 3) assess the project of Education Management of the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy into School at Tessaban 3 Banlao School in the aspect of the processes. 4) assess the project of Education Management of the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy into School at Tessaban 3 Banlao School in the aspect of the production of the project. The sample were consisted of the school director, the committees of the basic education commission, the teachers, the students parents and students total 327 persons which were selected by Stratified Random Sampling, classified by respondents status. The size of the group was determined by using
Krejcie and Morgans tables to determine the sample size. The assessment instrument were consisted of (1) the questionnaire was used for pre-assessment the project of Education Management of the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy into School at Tessaban 3 Banlao School (in the aspect of environment and preliminary factors) include the questionnaire in the aspect of environment 11 items and the questionnaire in the aspect of preliminary factors 12 items total 23 items with reliability was 0.95 (2) The questionnaire was used for while-assessment the project of Education Management of the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy into School at Tessaban 3 Banlao School (in the aspect of the process) 18 items with the reliability was 0.88 (3) The questionnaire was used for while-assessment the project of Education Management of the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy into School at Tessaban 3 Banlao School after the project (in the aspect of productivity) 18 items with the reliability was 0.87. The statistics were analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean (x̄) and standard deviation (S.D.)
The result of the assessment found that all the aspects of assessment criteria
were passed
1. The result of assessment project in the aspect of environment overall was at high
level with the mean of 4.22 and the standard deviation of 0.68. Considering each item, it was found that the productivity was at the high level. The highest level was this project was valuable and beneficial to local development.
2. The result of assessment in the aspect of preliminary factors found that the
overall was at high level with the mean of 4.30 and the standard deviation of 0.70 Considering each item found that the productivity was at high and highest level. The highest level was the teachers who in charge of the project and the budget were received for sufficient in the project.
3. The result of assessment in the aspect of process found that the overall was at
high level with the mean of 4.10 and the standard deviation of 0.64. Considering each item found that every item was at high level. The highest item was the activities of the projects were appropriate and consistent with the school and the local conditions. The follow item showed that the project was appropriate for the project participants.
4. The result of assessment in the aspect of productivity found that the overall
was in the high level with the mean of 4.23 and the standard deviation of 0.63. Considering each item was the overall was in the high level and the highest item found that the school was a good model in implementation the the project of Education Management of the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy into School. Followed by the project participants were gained more knowledge and understanding of the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy